Departure for Kibo Hut

The team left at 8.30am this morning for Kibo Hut.

A few members of the team have been struggling with the altitude, but this morning everyone is doing well.

Raj and Bush

Raj and Bush

Greg showing off his camping skills

Greg showing off his camping skills

Porters leaving for Kibo

Porters leaving for Kibo

Team at Kibo Hut

Team at Kibo Hut


Raj and team

Raj and team




11 thoughts on “Departure for Kibo Hut

  1. For the Makomo boys, we are watching and praying for you , as well as the whole expedition team, to complete the journey. You will get a bonus on your return courtesy of Makomo. The pics are beautiful. John I liked the shorts the other day!

  2. Yay!!! So Happy &Excited for you all!! Keep Strong.. keep Positive.. keep Going:-)) Lots of Love to you all Chad, Kelv &Mom xxx

  3. It’s so exciting following all the posts and lovely to see all the team in daily photos!
    Today’s the day! My thoughts and prayers are with you all but especially Matt and Greg! Be strong my Datlings!
    Can’t wait for the next message!! Love you

  4. Hey guys- we are so excited for you!! Today is the day you get to the top – Happy birthday Gaz ! Sossie you are an inspiration – we love you soooooo much!! You can do this – get great photos – this is a day to remember forever.
    love you both.

  5. Happy birthday Gary! Today you will be high above the world on your birthday. What an event. Stay strong both of you.
    Sos you will be warmer if you wear the raincoat as it is completely windproof! There i’ve said my grandma bit!!
    Love to both of you
    Gma Ann & Gpa Milton

  6. God speed to Barry, John, Ray and Brian on this final ascend. You know how we have ‘moved mountains’ before, when everybody thought it was impossible, well take this challenge as one of those that can be done. Positive minds give off good energy. Look after the young ones in your team. Enjoy being ON TOP OF THE WORLD.

  7. Happy birthday Dr A, what a way to spend one’s birthday. Sos, you must be so excited, stay strong and remain positive. G-d bless, with tons of love from the Baitzim – Down Under xxx

  8. Happy birthday Gary. What an amazing way to spend a your day. Hoping it all goes smoothly. Regards, Michael

  9. Hey GA – Happy Birthday! What a place for anyone to be on this day. Well done Sossie – we are very proud of you for dragging your dad all the way up to the highest spot in Africa for his Birthday. Good on ya! Looking forward to hearing all about it. Be Safe! GB

  10. Well done, Josh, my man!! So happy for you. A well deserving holiday is waiting for you both. Lots of love, Christa and family xxx